Two actors leave the series Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit)

Big casting changes will take place in the Turkish series Yasak Elma/Forbidden Fruit. Two main actors will leave the series, and will not participate in season 6. 

The last episode of season 5 of Yasak Elma has attracted attention. Aired on Monday, June 13, on the FOX channel, it showed Yildiz, Ender, and Çağatay having a fatal car accident. 

The series Yasak Elma, produced by Medyapim and aired since 2018 on the Turkish channel Fox Tv, has been breaking audience records every Monday night for the past 5 years. Thanks to its good ratings, the series will be entitled to a sixth season and will therefore return in the fall. 

eda ece is yildiz in the turkish serie forbidden fruit  yasak elma season 5

Unfortunately, two main actors will leave the series and will not be present in the sixth season. The fifth season of Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit) had Eda Eçe, Şevval Sam, Berk Oktay, Biran Damla Yilmaz and Murat Aygen as main actors. 

Biran Damla Yilmaz and Murat Aygen joined the series for the fifth season and their roles will continue in season 6.

Berk Oktay and Şevval Sam who play the role of Çağatay and Ender will leave the series at the end of season 5. Since its first season, the series Forbidden Fruit (Yasak Elma) has already seen many actor separations. But the duo Ender Yildiz is the basic foundation of the series. so we wonder how the series could survive the departure of Ender (Şevval Sam)

Ender in yasak elma forbidden fruit

The departure of Nesrin Cavadzade who played the role of Sahika had already marked the spirits and we still hope a miraculous return of the character of Sahika in the series

Berk Oktay leaves the series Yasak Elma/ Forbidden Fruit

The announcement had been made by the journalist Birsen Altunaş. Actor Berk Oktay who plays the role of Çağatay in the series Yasak Elma will not be present in season 6.

Berk Octay Catay leaves Turkish series yasak elma forbidden fruit

Berk Oktay had joined the series Yasak Elma in season 4 in the role of Çağatay, Yildiz’s husband. 

There is talk that actor Berk Oktay will return in a new series in the fall.

Ender (Şevval Sam) is leaving the series Yasak Elma?

According to rumors, actress Şevval Sam, who has been playing the role of Ender çelebi in Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit) for the past 5 years, may leave the series. News that made the effect of a bomb on the fans of the series. 

The actress who plays the role of Ender leaves the Turkish series forbidden fruit Yasak elma

As a reminder, Şevval Sam is also a singer and she has interrupted her singing career since her debut in the series Yasak Elma. The actress plans to rest and return to her singing career while waiting to join another film project.

When asked about the issue after a concert, Şevval Sam said “this is the last week of filming for me” and also added, “I need to rest.

The news of Ender’s (Şevval Sam) departure from the series has not been confirmed yet, but it is hoped that she will reconsider her decision. It is impossible to imagine the series, Yasak Elma, without the character of Ender and the couple of friends Ender/Yildiz. EndYilz, as the fans of the series like to call them.
What do you think about Endo’s departure?

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6 thoughts on “Two actors leave the series Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit)”

  1. Ender is the mastermind of the series. When everyone is unaware of the cause of the incident, Ender comes to the field and discovers everything and punishes the bad guy for his actions, and this is very heartwarming and attractive. Finally, I don’t like Ender, Janer, and Amir to leave the series.

  2. I do not want Cagatay to leave the series, is not point he is the most handsome man in the series,
    I don’t even like the fact that Yildiz had a daughter with this old man.
    He need to be back in the series plus Ender also need to stay and have a happy ending.

  3. What, NO
    Bert Oktay (Cagatay) not coming back. Then is not point of watching, the bad guy win and
    Just kill him, so stupid. I hope is not true, they need a phenomenal end for this year’s of

  4. Bueno yo si estoy feliz con la serie honestamente, desde mi perspectiva yo si quiero que Yildiz este con Dogan al final de la serie, ya cansa que este con uno y con otro y no se establezca con nadie, mínimo debe quedarse con alguien que tenga química; a lo menos no le fue infiel como los demás.

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