Çukur, episode 13 season 2 (ep 46 ) full summary

At the end of episode 12 of Çukur, Gumali and Gelasun attacked the Karakosova (black lambs) laboratory to find the chemist.

Vartolu, who was inside, exits through a back door and comes face to face with Gelasun. Thinking of his discovered identity, he was surprised when Gelasun gave him a mask to hide his face.

In fact, Gelasun had understood that Vartolu was the new chemist of the Karakosova (when he was tortured by black lambs in episode 12 of Çukur, he had seen Vartolu in the hangar)

çukur episode 13 -46) vartolu, gelasun and gumali

In this episode 13 season 2 (46) we see the youth of Chetto, Maasoun and Arsoy. While he was in high school, Chetto and Maasoun took him under their wing.

çukur episode 13: The past of the Karakozolar

Arsoy will explain to Yamaç that the Karakosova recruit young orphans. They are still searching for children in the streets and orphanages. Teams are in charge of this.

Arsoy will explain that he has an above-average IQ, which is why they couldn’t indoctrinate him. He is aware that Chetto and Maasoun enlisted him for his intelligence. Chetto decided for him what studies he was going to do. In order for him to manage their business.
Yamaç commits to get rid of Chetto and Maasoun at the same time

Vartolu will explain to Gelasun that Saadet is still alive and that he is now a father.
Chetto, who has abducted about ten children from Çukur, is beginning the indoctrination process. He explains that they are all brothers and offers them gifts.

The Karakozolar kidnapped çukur’s kids.

At the same time, the children’s fathers are getting angry in Gumali, which will commit itself to do everything possible to recover the children.

The Koçovali brothers will watch the H24 villa and take advantage of a bus ride for the children to try to pick them up. They set up a trap and get rid of the guards, but the children refuse to follow them, even if they explain to them that they will be reunited with their parents.
The children refuse to follow Yamaç and Gumali. They prefer to stay with the Karakosu
The children all raise one hand to show Yamaç and Gumali that they have drawn on their hands the sign of belonging to the black lambs

The children’s behaviour is pushing Chetto and Maasoun to change their behaviour towards the people of Çukur. They realize that they could take better advantage of themselves.

çukur episode 46 maasoun

They gather the parents of the children abducted from Idriss’ café in Çukur and tell them that they will return the children to them the next day at the same café.

The girl Selim saved goes with her mother to the café where he is now to thank him for saving her. As they moved away, shots rang out. Both women were murdered by the man who abducted him.

çukur episode 46 idriss

Gumali and Yamaç visit Emmi for advice. Idriss joins them and makes a speech against what they expected. Idriss doesn’t want them to get Çukur back, he doesn’t want to hear about it anymore. For him, the family in the broad sense as it is represented on Çukur’s tattoo no longer exists (explanation of Çukur’s tattoo in this article)

yamaç gumali and Idriss

Idriss told his sons to get away from all this and join their real family. He addressed Yamaç and said to him 

why don’t you live with your wife?

arsoy renseigne yamaç

Arsoy contacted Yamaç and explained that the next day they would be in the café and that they would stay there after the children and their families had left. Arsoy is supposed to introduce them to someone, so this is the perfect opportunity to get rid of Chetto and Maasoun at the same time.

yamaç with Aliço çukur episode 13

Aliço is commissioned by Yamaç to collect information about the Karakosa, which is why he collects their garbage. He finds a diaper. So he understands that there is a baby in the house.

Gumali summoned Yamaç Salih and Medet, he found a new house to settle in.
Yamaç tells them that the next day they will get rid of Chetto and Maasoun in Idriss’ coffee in Çukur.
Gumali asks him how he got the information and Yamaç replies that he has a person among the KArakosu, which worries Vartolu who is afraid that his identity will be discovered.

Gumali, who has more and more suspicions about Vartolu, prevents him from going out that night and goes to sleep with him in the same room to keep an eye on him.

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