Eda Ece’s engagement, Yildiz in the Turkish series Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit)

The star actress of the Turkish series Yasak Elma (Forbidden Fruit) has become engaged.

eda ece yildiz in yasak elma engaded with her fiance

Eda Ece, who plays the role of Yildiz in the hit series Forbidden Fruit-Yasak Elma, shared photos of her engagement with her boyfriend, basketball player Buğrahan Tuncer.

eda ece at her engagement party

The engagement ceremony took place at Eda and Buğrahan’s home, in an intimate atmosphere and in the presence of the families. Eda Ece was dressed all in white and the house was decorated with flowers and white candles.

eda ece at her engagement party

The wedding of Eda ece (Yildiz) and Buğrahan Tuncer will take place in June of this year after filming the Yasak Elma series.

eda ece yasak elma's engagement cake forbidden fruit
eda ece yasak elma's engagement cake

As a reminder, the Yasak Elma series will not continue next season. Season 6 will be the last season of the series and will end at episode 178.

eda ece with her mother yasak elma
eda ece with her father yildiz

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