Elçin’s fans will be happy to know that the actress will be starring in a new series for next season.
Elçin Sangu returns in a new series which should be released in the autumn of 2020.
Update: we have added a new article with all the details about Iyi gunde kotu gunde at this address.
This new series entitled Iyi gunde kotu gunde will be produced by the production company Média O3 and it is planned that the new Elçin Sangu series will be broadcast on the Turkish channel STAR TV.

The announcement was made by RaniniTv media.
Other names had circulated for the poster of this series Iyi gunde kotu gunde, which can be translated as good day, bad day. but Ranini has just announced that it would finally be Elçin Sangu who will be the star of the series.
Seda Bakan and Mert firat were supposed to share the poster of the Iyi Gunde Kutu gunde series but the cast has been changed in favour of Elçin Songu.

Concerning the main actor who will share the poster with Elçin Sangu, there are no names for the moment.
As a reminder, Elcin Sangu’s last TV series was çarpisma, whose poster she shared with Kivanç.

Update: Ozan Dolunay’s name starts to circulate to share the poster with Elçin Sangu.
The Anglo-Turkish actress Yassemin allen will also be part of the cast of the Iyi gunde kotu gunde series.

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