Turkish actor Baris Arduç and his wife, Gupse Özay, are expecting a happy event.

The two Turkish actors have been in a relationship for several years. They met on the set of the Turkish film Deliha. Since then they have been together ever since. They got married in July 2020. In the middle of the pandemic, they chose to have a sober ceremony with very few guests.

The two actors, Bariş Arduç and Gupse Özay are known for their discretion in the media. They do not expose their private lives.

Gupse, Bariş’s wife is six months pregnant

Bariş Ardus and his wife are waiting for a baby girl. The birth is expected in September.

Turkish actor Baris Arduç has enjoyed great popularity since he played the role of Ömer in the series Kiralik Aşk (Love for rent), alongside Turkish actress Elçin sangu ( Defne).

He then went on to star in the series Kuzgun and Çukur. And more recently in the Turkish Netflix series, Kulüp (the Club).

Bariş also played the lead role in the 2021 historical series “Alparslan: Büyük Selçuklu”.

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