Yesterday, June 14, 2022, was held the official launch of the Disney plus platform in Turkey. Many stars attended the event. But the Turkish actor Can Yaman found himself in the middle of a controversy.
An unfortunate event took place between the actor Can Yaman and the journalists and paparazzi present at the Disney Plus Turkey event.

Many stars were present at the event dedicated to the launch of the platform. Upon their arrival on the carpet, the stars are photographed by paparazzi and journalists who ask them questions and film their arrival.
But when Can Yaman arrived, things did not go as planned. As we can see from the videos published on social networks. When Can Yaman arrives, he greets a journalist “Akif”, but this journalist turns his back and does not answer him.
Then, a journalist asks his colleagues to lower their cameras and not to film Can Yaman.
“the guy is an Italian star, he needs the Italian press!?”
A journalist will shout loudly “The guy is an Italian star! he doesn’t need the Turkish press?” referring to the fact that the actor Can Yaman is successful in Italy. A country where he currently lives and where he pursues his acting career.
As can be seen in the videos posted on Twitter, the journalists then applauded their colleague who inveighed Can Yaman. As for Can Yaman, he continued to move forward without lingering.
The journalist “Akif” responsible for what happened, spoke out on the subject. He wrote that it is because he asked previously

Whether one is a fan of Can Yaman or not, this attitude of the journalist is absolutely unforgivable. Professionalism would have wanted them to do their job.
One does not expect photographers and paparazzi to appreciate the stars they photograph. Their job is just to transmit images and information.