Turkish actress Gözde Türker, who plays the role of Harika in the hit series Kardeşlerim, got married!

Young Turkish actress Gözde Türker, whose name is now known from the turkish series Kardeşlerim (for my family), said yes to her fiancé Anil Güler, in a ceremony held on July 24.

The 25-year-old actress, who plays the role of Harika, the bitchy high school girl who we love to hate in the series Kardeşlerim, had spoken in a magazine about her wedding.
Indeed, Gözde Türker and Anil Güler had to postpone their wedding because of the coronavirus epidemic. They finally got married yesterday.
Shared video of Gozde Turker’s wedding
Gözde Türker and Anir Güler have widely shared their joy on social media with numerous photos and videos of the couple.
She even shared the wedding invitation with a countdown on her Instagram account

Gözde Türker will be back in her role when season 2 of the Kardeşlerim series begins in September, which will see a number of changes. Some actors will leave the series and others will join the cast of Kardeşlerim. More details here

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