After the shocking announcement of Neslihan Atagül who explained that she was leaving the series Sefirin Kizi, we now know the name of her replacement. It is the talented actress Tuba Büyüküstün.
After Neslihan Atagul announced that she had left the series, due to her health problems, there were fears for the future of Sefirin kizi. The producers finally chose the actress Tuba Tuba Büyüküstün who agreed to join the series Sefirin Kizi.

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Tuba Büyüküstün replaces Neslihan Atagul in Sefirin Kizi
After the departure of Neslihan Atagül from the series Sefirin Kizi, in which she played the role of Nare, a great name joins the cast of the series : the daughter of the Ambassador. It is Tuba Tuba Büyüküstün who will appear for the first time in episode 37 of the series.

Tuba Tuba Büyüküstün and Engin Akyürek will play together again after having shared the poster in the successful series Kara Para Ask which is available on Neflix with other Turkish series.
Tuba Büyüküstün shared a message on her Instagram account, to express her feelings about joining the cast of the series Sefirin Kizi. Here is the content of her message:

A journey that is both familiar and brand new begins. My dear ex-partner Engin, my dear scriptwriter, my friend Eylem, my dear Emre, whom I met in my first years in this sector, is with you with a brand new character, with the pleasure of working again with Star TV, which has already welcomed many projects. “I am delighted to meet you with a brand new character. I hope it will be an experience for all of us and breathe deeply in the open air. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
The first scene of the meeting between Sancar (Akyürek Engine) and the character played by Tuba Büyüküstün in Sefirin Kizi has been posted on the YouTube channel of the series.
What will be the story of Sefirin Kizi without Nare?
Due to the sudden departure of Neslihan Atagul from the series Sefirin Kizi, the script had to be quickly rewritten. The writers had to find another sequel to the story of Sancar, Nare and Melek.
After Nare’s departure, Sancar and Melek still try to go on living. But a mysterious woman he meets by chance in an unexpected place will change Sancar’s life. It is Tuba Büyüküstün who plays the role of this woman who crosses the road of Sancar effe.
Here is the first extract from Sefirin Kizi where we see the first meeting between Sancar (Engin Ayürek) and Tuba Büyüküstün.
Why did Neslihan Atagül leave Sefirin Kizi?
Against all odds, Neslihan, who played the role of Nare, left the series. It was learned that she was suffering from severe intestinal problems. Important health problems that did not allow her to continue in the series Sefirin Kizi.
In an interview she gave a few days earlier, we learned that Neslihan Atagül had suffered rapid and significant weight loss, which even required her hospitalisation. For these reasons, Neslihan Atagül had to leave the series The Ambassador’s Daughter.
Neslihan thanked his fans who followed him and the audience of Sefirin Kizi. She reassured her fans about her health.
The story telling and ratings of the famous Turkish drama The Ambassador’s Daughter declined sharply after the changing of the writers at the 34th episode and the departing of the starring role Nare (Neslihan Atagul). A new and fast infatuation has had a shocking effect on the viewers. The series is continuing with new writers facing insurmountable challenges with the departure of not only Nare, but also Gediz (Uraz Kaygılaroglu) and Boz. Additionally, the new writers maintain a slower pace and the dramatically reduced action leading the series being “boring”. The episodes after 35th has nothing to do with the previous ones and the original story. Even the characters are totally changed and ruined. A great drama has been wasted.
We Love Engin and Tuba amazing couple to watched,my mom and my dad watched 10 times the Black Money Love in Netflix.Looking forward to have new episodes and new season.We will wait the Ambassador’s Daughter in Netflix
Akwarek Engine “aka “Omer and Tuba “aka”Elif super loved couple amazing ,i love them so much,natural ,we missed them a lot,we watched 12 times now the Black Money omer and elif episodes we do like watching .Kindly produced more seasons and episodes of Black Money .Pls
The new story line in Sefirin kizi took the story where it would naturally go. Sancar is finally tasting life with a partner. Of course, he has matured and is living a mature love. Some may call it boring but it is very realistic and excellently portrayed by Engin and Tuba. The series had to wind down and end after the departure of Nare but the arrival of Mavi has allowed for the story to receive a beautiful ending; one that perhaps would not have been possible had Nare stayed in the story. I can’t wait for these last episodes. After suffering so much with Sancar and the horrible consequences of his childish mistake that triggers the whole story; his slowly blooming love with Mavi is an absolute pleasure. Sancar has grown and deserves the love of this mature woman!
All the story is ruined for the sake of the entrance of the new actress. All the characters changed upside down for the sake of the new woman. And a new different story started, which has no coherence with the first 35 episodes of the series. It was also stupid, and for dumb people briefly. An easy love story, which is not even a love story. It’s not about Neslihan Atagül, it’s about the new writer hoping to write her irrelevant fantasies.
The third season could have been called “The Great Deception”. But whoever plotted it got what they deserved. Very very low ratings, the lowest watched series of the week, and a heavy backlash on social media. One of the most ruined Turkish series just to kindle EnTu craziness. An utter disappointment.