In this episode 9 of love is in the air (Sen çal Kapimi), Serkan will try to apologise to Eda. At the end of episode 8 of Sen çal Kapimi (Love is in the air), Eda had proved her innocence to Serkan. She had taught him that Kaan was the real culprit. She finally said goodbye to Serkan, telling him that she was leaving him and ending their deal. Eda also returned the engagement ring.
In this episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi (Love is in the air), Serkan will try to make amends to Eda. He decides to take over the ecological hotel project from Kaan and give the project to Eda, so that she can work with him again. He will propose her the landscape part of the hotel project.
Looking for a way to apologise to Eda, Serkan decides to give her a gift. He is looking for something simple that will please Eda who likes simple things. So he buys her a little dress with flowers.
Serkan goes to Eda’s house, but cannot find her. Ceren, Fifi and MElek don’t want to tell him where Eda is. Serkan will eventually convince Melo to help him. In this episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi (Love is in the air), Melek tells Serkan that Eda is in the garden of an orphanage which she sometimes takes care of.
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Eda is waiting for an apology that doesn’t come (episode 9)
Eda refuses to follow Serkan, so he decides to put the handcuffs on her, as Eda did when they first met in the first episode of Sen çal Kapimi.

Serkan takes Eda to a country house. But while Eda waits for Serkan to apologise, Serkan tells her about the revenge he is preparing against Kaan and offers to work together on the ecological project.

Eda and Serkan will spend the night in this country house and will find themselves sharing the same bed, in this episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi. The roof of the house leaks and there is only one room under the roof that is not leaking. Eda and Serkan will therefore find themselves sleeping together. The next morning Eda’s friends and her aunt call her by video and see that Serkan is with her in the same bed.

Back in town, Aydan Hanim announces to Serkan that Selin and Ferit have separated.
That evening, Seyfi will show to Serkan the video of Ayden when she goes out of the house with Eda’s help. Serkan is touched and talks about it with his mother. He will try to help her to go out again, but Aydan is unable to do so. Eda is the only one who has been able to do it for years.

Serkan succeeds in recovering the ecological hotel project by proving to the client that Kaan would not be able to carry out the project while respecting ecological imperatives during construction.
Serkan apologises to Eda ep09
Eda is still waiting for Serkan’s apologies which do not arrive. Talking to Engin about it, he understands that he has to give her a present. He decides to give her flowers, which Engin doesn’t understand, as Eda is a florist! But Serkan knows that Eda is touched by small gestures and doesn’t expect big gifts.
At the end of episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi, Serkan goes to Ayfer’s flower shop and asks her to prepare a bouquet of flowers for Eda. Serkan ends up making a terrarium for Eda with a little note inside it. On the note that Serkan wrote to Eda at the end of episode 9, it says:
Fairy, will you forgive me?
Peri Kizi, Beni Affedebilir misin
Eda is moved and touched when she discovers the terrarium and the little note to his attention. At the end of this episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi (love is in the air) she goes to see Serkan at the office and tells him that she agrees to continue. Serkan is happy, but Eda reminds him that there are 44 days left before the end of their agreement. She reminds him that their agreement will end if Selin and Ferit get married or separate.
Serkan explains to Eda that from now on she will be working as a landscaper for Art life (on the hotel project).
At the very end of episode 9 of Sen çal Kapimi, Serkan puts the ring back on Eda’s finger. But at that moment, Selin and Ferit arrive in the office and interrupt them. Selin announces that she and Ferit have made a decision:
They’re getting married at the end of the week!